The Peer Tutoring Scheme is a joint initiative by the IEEE-HKN NUS Chapter, ECE Department and ECE Undergraduate Student Council to assist students who need academic help. Under this initiative, we engage senior ECE students as peer tutors to volunteer their time in tutoring/mentoring other students in year 1 & 2 core modules. Each peer tutor teaches up to 3 tutees, and they meet once a week for two hours to go over core concepts from the modules and clarify any doubts the tutees may have.
Peer tutors provide students facing trouble with a particular module with another avenue to seek help as they may not be comfortable contacting their professors, lecturers or TAs when in doubt. Instead, peer tutors are better able to relate to them as seniors and can provide them with one-on-one academic support. Thus, the program enables tutees to reach their academic goals and achieve success in university.
Since its inception in 2015, the Peer Tutoring Scheme has helped students each semester to receive guidance from their tutors and achieve their goals. Many students have given feedback that they have benefited from the scheme, and the majority of students passed modules for which they received peer tutoring.
In the AY2019/20, this scheme has benefitted 28 students with the help of 22 peer tutors. Moreover, to facilitate the program, we initiated a briefing session in the first semester to provide tutors with a general direction for tutoring and also serve as a platform for them to meet their tutees for the first time. Also, an appreciation ceremony was held at the start of the session to recognize the efforts of the past tutors.