Induction Ceremony 2017/18

 On 19 January 2018, The IEEE- Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) Lambda Omega Chapter of NUS Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department inducted 15 new members to the honour society. This year’s ceremony inducted the third batch of outstanding students to the honor society. Additionally, the induction of Prof. Qiu Chengwei,... [Read More]

ECE Peer Tutoring Program

NUS IEEE-HKN Chapter and NUS ECE Department initiated the NUS ECE Peer Tutoring Scheme in August 2015. Academically stronger students are invited to assist in guiding other students in their foundation modules in ECE. This was established to provide a learning support for the academically challenged students. [Read More]

Induction Ceremony 2015

On the 11th November 2015, The IEEE- Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) Lambda Omega Chapter of NUS Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department inducted over 20 new members to the society. A special thing this year was that not only students are inducted but also Professor Low Teck Seng, CEO of... [Read More]

Induction Ceremony 2014

The IEEE- Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) Lambda Omega Chapter of NUS Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department had completed yet another successful and fruitful induction ceremony for the second batch of students of fine calibre. [Read More]