On 8 September 2022, The IEEE- Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) Lambda Omega Chapter of NUS Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department inducted 18 new members to the honor society. The event marked the honor society’s third consecutive hybrid ceremony due to complications of the global pandemic. This year’s ceremony inducted...
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Postgraduate Sharing Session
NUS IEEE-HKN organized a Postgraduate Sharing Session, which was attended by 18 NUS Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) undergraduates, to give a clear understanding of what a postgraduate life and program are like. Participants listened to the sharing from two Ph.D. students from the department of ECE NUS - Ng...
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HKN Experience
We would like to let you know about an upcoming opportunity available to HKN members. From Oct. 28th - Nov. 7th IEEE-HKN is going to be hosting the HKN Experience! This is an 11-day, free online event series with highly regarded speakers, panel sessions, networking opportunities, social activities, and more!...
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Key Chapter Recognition
We are pleased to inform that The IEEE- Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) Lambda Omega Chapter of NUS Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department was recognized as a key chapter for 2019 at the IEEE-HKN Award and Recognition Ceremony of The HKN Experience. The Key Chapter recognition celebrates chapters that participate...
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Induction Ceremony 2020/21
On 14 August 2020, The IEEE- Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) Lambda Omega Chapter of NUS Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department inducted 22 new members to the honor society. The event marked the honor society’s first ever hybrid induction ceremony due to the ongoing global pandemic. This year’s ceremony inducted...
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